Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Urgum and the Seat of Flames

This book is about a savage that is the strongest in his desert.  His name is Urgum  his wife is called a soft hand that means they don't like fighting they both have seven son savages.  The wife is called Divina.  One day the eight savages were fighting one of their friends Molly was looking after their horses with her brother Raymond that was cut into forty-two pieces by a razor snake.  Then this weird creature came and Molly warned the creature about Raymond if he tried to steal a horse but the creature didn't believe Molly so he tried to steal a horse but Raymond tripped up the creature and he fell in a hole and was stuck.  Then Urgum came home and Divina said "Can you get some firewood for our cooked ostrich".  Urgum went but the creatures that Molly fought and three more creatures.  Urgum won but he had trouble finding wood in the end he got wood

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